วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

3G: naughty or nice? PhoneErotica.com generates over 300 million hits per month, and rings up more minutes of use per month than MSN | Telecom Asia | Find Articles at BNET

"There is an axiom in technology circles that porn drives technology usage. Pick a category--VHS, video rentals, premium cable, pay-per-view, CD-ROMs, PC games, the Web, chat rooms, broadband, online shopping, etc. Porn has been given credit for the rapid growth of just about all of them. Even VOD owes what little success it's had to naughty content.
Porn's track record as a tech driver has come up again as more new technologies start cropping up. HDTV is one example, although as Wired columnist Brendan I. Koerner once pointed out, porn is a genre where high-def may work against it."

